Springtime Spruce Up

Springtime Spruce Up

As you hunker down in the comfort of your home, you may (like us) become a bit stir crazy. While we would love to help you spruce up your space, we understand you may need something to keep yourself busy. So, as the hours and days slowly tick by over the next few weeks, enjoy the time with a few spring refresh tips from us to you!

  1. Shop your home (like you shop your closet). Take a hard look around and see what might need to be let go, or what could work in another room.
  2. Declutter. Some folks like Marie’s method, some don’t. The fact is, you know what to do here. Just do it!
  3. Change out pillows – either from another room, or give us a call and we’ll help get them made for you. Need inspiration? Visit  SchumacherKravet or Thibaut for great new spring fabrics.
  4. Move your furniture around. Change the layout in one room, or move furniture from room to room for a big change.
  5. Take some time to create – maybe refinish an old dresser or paint a canvas for that one blank wall? And, if you’re itching for a piece to be professionally refinished, call our friends at Good Bones Furniture Restoration. They do amazing work!


Whatever you do to help pass the time, know that we’re here to assist when you’re ready. And, please stay safe and healthy!

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